Web Design VS Web Developer

Dari namanya saja kita tau dua frase kata diatas berbeda secara tulisan maupun arti. Web Designer adalah seseorang yang mampu mendesign sebuah web agar lebih menarik (aesthetic), sedangkan Web Developer adalah seseorang yang mampu membangun sebuah website sehingga bisa digunakan walau terkadang dibuat dengan design yang bagus.

Namun dewasa ini tidak hanya di Indonesia, banyak sekali yang belum mengerti artian designer dan developer sehingga banyak sekali kesalah pahaman yang terjadi.

Dan saya selaku Web Designer sekaligus Web Developer merasa harus mengklarifikasi hal tersebut. Mari kita mulai dengan basic knowledge masing-masing title diatas.

Web Designer

Web design encompasses many different skills and disciplines in the production and maintenance of websites. The different areas of web design include web graphic design; interface design; authoring, including standardised code and proprietary software; user experience design; and search engine optimization. Often many individuals will work in teams covering different aspects of the design process, although some designers will cover them all. The term web design is normally used to describe the design process relating to the front-end (client side) design of a website including writing mark up. Web design partially overlaps web engineering in the broader scope of web development. Web designers are expected to have an awareness of usability and if their role involves creating mark up then they are also expected to be up to date with web accessibility guidelines.

from Wikipedia

— dilanjut nanti — πŸ˜€

Designer = We Are The Fighter

Wikipedia :
A designer is a person who designs. More formally, a designer is an agent that “specifies the structural properties of a design object” In practice, anyone who creates tangible or intangible objects, such as consumer products, processes, laws, games and graphics, is referred to as a designer.

Classically, the main areas of design were only painting, sculpture and architecture, which were understood as the major arts. The design of clothing, furniture and other common artifacts were left mostly to tradition or artisans specializing in hand making them.

With the increasing complexity of today’s society, and due to the needs of mass production where more time is usually associated with more cost, the production methods became more complex and with them the way designs and their production is created. The classical areas are now subdivided in smaller and more specialized domains of design (landscape design, urban design, exterior design, interior design, industrial design, furniture design, cloth design, and many more) according to the product designed or perhaps its means of production.

I’m Designer

The education, experience and genetic blocks that form the base of a competent designer is normally similar no matter the area of specialization, only in a later stages of training and work will designer diverge to a specialized field. The methods of teaching or the program and theories followed vary according to schools and field of study. Today, a design team, no matter the scale of the equipment, is usually composed by a master designer (the head of the team) that will have the responsibility to take decisions about the way the creative process should evolve, and a number of technical designers (the hands of the team) specialized in diverse areas according to the product proposed. For more complex products, the team will also be composed of professionals from other areas like engineers, advertising specialists, and others as required. The relationships established between team members will vary according proposed product, the processes of production, the equipment available, or the theories followed during the idea development, but normally they are not too restrictive, giving an opportunity to everyone in the team to take a part in the creation process or at least to express an idea.

[Secret Garden] Mantra Kim Joo Won saat jatuh cinta.

sebenarnya mantra ini tidak sungguh2 untuk mengusir hantu atau sebagainya, bahkan kata-kata yang diucapkan Kim Joo Won dalah serial Secret Garden ini tidak bisa disebut mantra karena maksud dari kata-kata tersebut adalah sebuah doa panjang umur.

Mantra :
Kim Soo Han Moo Geo Bukgi Wa Doo Roo Mi Sam Cheon Gab Sa Dong Bang Sark Chi Chi Ka Po Sa Ri Sa Ri Sen Ta Weo Ri Weo Ri Se BBu Ri Ka Moo Doo Sel La Goo Roomi Heo Ri Kae In Dam Byeo Rak Seo Sang Won eh Go Yang ee Ba Du Ki Neun Dol Dol ee…

Artinya menyusul yah.. πŸ˜€

Menambahkan Smiley WhatsApp di Nokia E63

Sebelumnya, Trik ini khusus untuk Nokia E63. Seperti yang kita tau WA Nokia tidak di fasilitasi dengan Smiley, untuk itu kita sendirilah yang harus membuatnya. πŸ™‚

Sebelum memulai ada baiknya kita lihat screenshot akhir :

Ok, kita mulai saja..
kebutuhan sistem :
1. Ponsel yang sudah di hack
2. Patch Open4All sudah aktif.
3. Font Ponsel sudah mendukung/menggunakan font MultiBahasa.
4. E-xplore terinstall.

Caranya :
1. Download file berikut :


2. Ubah bahasa ponsel ke bahasa lain selain English.
3. Dengan menggunakan X-plore letakan di folder berikut :


4. Kemudian ubah bahasa ponsel kembali ke English.
5. Selesai.

Nb :
Cara ini hanya bisa digunakan untuk Nokia E63.
Dan cara ini hanya bisa dipakai jika kamu menggunakan bahasa English sebagai bahasa default ponsel.

Prosedur penghapusan/mengembalikan ke default :

1. Ubah bahasa ke bahasa lain selain english.
2. Hapus avkon.r129 dari folder :


3. Ubah kembali bahasa ke english. πŸ™‚

Posted by Wordmobi

[s60v3] Membuat signature otomatis pada blog wordpress.com dengan Wordmobi

Beberapa hari yang lalu saya mencari bagaimana cara memberikan signature kita di post wordpress.com secara otomatis seperti signature pada forum-forum. Ternyata tidak satupun jawaban yang memuaskan, semuanya bilang jika ingin memakai signature maka buatlah secara manual. *sangat tidak memuaskan bukan* 😦
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